We are crawling and cruising..

and how! Miss Aghoo started to crawl quite latish ( around 9 months ) - but man did she start! There is no stopping her now. She will not sit idle even for one minute. She also loves to cruise- walk by holding on to the couch/ furniture etc.All in a span of a couple of days.

She can now show " tata" on demand and tries to do " clap clap clap " when she is in the mood to oblige.
Like her dada says, I think she spent too much time in the " how to be cute and adorable" class and did not have time to attend the " how to eat and sleep" class before she was born! When we try  to feed her her dinner/ lunch/bf, she shakes her little head and purses her lips. She even says " nananana " - it is adorable , but also very frustrating at times:).

Sleeping is another issue altogether- she still wakes up multiple times in the night to feed. I don't have the heart to let her cry - so we do the feed/ sleep/rock routine all night long.

Her first Diwali was spent with her grand mother ( dada's mom)/ parents/ Lakshmi patti/ Chitappa and Chithi. She looked very pretty in her little pattu pavadai.

We are going on a  vacation to Hawaii next week- fingers crossed that all goes well!

9 months..

This is a big one- My baby turns 9 months old tomorrow. It may sound cliched- but she has now lived outside of my body for longer than she was inside of my body.Some how this one is a huge milestone in my mind.
Little Aghoo is now her own little person- she laughs/cries/admonishes us/ gets angry /gets frustrated/ is impatient - and many more things that I cant remember right now. Some new developments

- She is now almost crawling- she takes 2 weary (crawl) steps to get to me or to a toy etc.
- She can now signal that she is done eating (:P) by shaking her head vigorously!!
- Today, she said " amma maa maa maa ma" as soon as I came into the room. I want to believe that that was her official first word :) ( amma)
- She has been able to pull herself up by holding on to one of us or to the couch. She even tries to take 1 or 2 steps if we hold her hands
-She loves loves loves to bounce on the sofa .
-  She eats 3 "solid" meals now!
-If she sees something she wants, she just WANTS it- there is no distracting her :P
- She LOVES water.I put a little bit of water in her high chair and she just loves to play with it. She LOVES to play in her bath tub too.She absolutely loves drinking water as well.

In other milestone news,Aghoo was dressed as a little lady bug for her very first Halloween. She and the neighborhood kids went trick or treating in the community. At one house, when her dada and I were busy talking, she just went straight for the candy bowl and grabbed one :P Oh My!

You are such a joy kanna- Keep smiling and spreading joy :) Love you to bits..

And we are STANDING

yes we are ! ( albeit with support :)). Miss Aghooness pulls herself up while holding on to one of us.She did this out of the blue one day- she was sitting on the couch and bouncing( a favorite activity of hers !)and I went to pick her up. I was talking to her patti and holding my hand out to her. She just grabbed my hand and stood right up! So cute- she still hasn't mastered the skill of placing her feet flat on the ground :)- She does a "ballet feet " :).


8 months old

Little Aghoo is turning 8 months old tomorrow!Time flies sure sounds cliched-but very true.

Aghoo's personality is definitely more noticable these days.She gets irritated really fast-if we try to force feed her after she has decided that she is done or if I come back home and I don't pick her up that very second or if the toy she is interested in doesn't come to her(lol!).
She also calms down really fast.
She loves to sit in the corner of the couch and bounce up and down.She also will try and climb over us if we sit next to her.

Last weekend,aghoo's chithi came to visit her. Chithi and all us were pleasantly surprised that aghoo hadn't forgotten chithi.She was all smiles and was gurgling with laughter.She would keep looking at her chithi from time to time and had an expression of surprise alsmost to say "oh! You are really here and you aren't going to vanish?!"

Life is pretty interesting with Miss.Aghooness.

My itty bitty princess,
Please don't be in a hurry to grow up.Love you to bits.

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Aghoo and her " baaaaaa ba ba ba"

Miss Aghoo's vocal  chords are exploding right now- starting from dawn ( sometimes 4 am  aghhhh) to dusk, she goes - " bababa baaaaaaaa, dha dha dhaaaaaa,aaaaa" . She looks at us when we are speaking with awe- almost to say " wow how do you do that? now let me try " and starts her babbling again :)

She also sits up with no support. She will sit in a corner and beckon all the toys to come to her. The queen will try hard not to move - she will smile at me ( or who ever is watching her)/ scream/ cry and then try babbling to the toy too to make it come to her :). We try all the time to entice her with new stuff to make her move ..

Aghoo/me/her dada and her Lakshmi paati went to drop off my sister at her new place. The little button behaved very well and slept through the 1.5 hr ride :)

Now, some words of wisdom ( ;)) for my baby

Dear Aghoo,
1) It is OK for you to sleep kanna. You DO NOT have to wake up at 6.45 ( or 4 am like today) everyday :P.
2) Shopping is the answer to every stress- it is the best stress buster I know of.
3) Drink lots of water.
4) No- you do not have to do anything JUST to please others. If " others" expect you to do these things, they aren't your friends.
5) You can come to Amma with ANY PROBLEM. As a friend of mine put it, even if you committed a double murder your parents are going to love you- nothing changes.
6) Family comes first- period.
7) Everything in moderation- too much of anything isn't good for you.

Love you always,

Aghoonoosh is almost 7 months old

My darling little itty bitty baby is growing up too fast. She is almost 7 months old now:).

When I get home form work, she gives this huge big smile to welcome me home. She cannot even wait for me to wash my hands before I pick her up- she protests loudly till I do pick her up. 

I wanted to keep her exclusively breast fed until she is 6 months old( yeay for mission accomplished :))-We have now started her on solids- breakfast at 8 am.
It is so much fun to see her taste different solid foods- we started with rice cereal and have now tasted sweet potatoes/carrots/ragi :).

Milestone alert :-Aghoo/Dada and me took our first trip as a family to Tampa , Florida. Dada was there on business and we just tagged along. Aghoo and I had so much fun for 5 days- just the 2 of us all day long.

We took her 6 month pictures at a professional place. She refused to smile :P .We came out of the studio  and we were waiting to pay the bill- she was all smiles.. the silly button.

I love you my little baby.. Always be happy and hope you have a fun babyhood :)

My Darling Aghunoosh

Although you are barely 5.5 months old, you have such a cute ( and strong ) personality. I was just telling dada this morning- I cant believe how much you communicate to us, albeit non-verbally.
You make it known that you want to be carried or burped or fed :)
You are a delight to be with and the star attraction in our home now.
Dada and I are totally crazy about you- as are your chithi/chitappa/grandparents etc.

You wake us up at 7 am ( on the dot, might I add) , with your cute wake up sound- which sounds like - " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" with an increasing pitch :).Dada and I wake up to that and smile at each other ( most days ;)), and one of us gets up to tend to the Maharani :).You are such a cutie pie- if we are a little cross with you and we change the tone of our voice, you smile that coy smile of yours to melt our hearts.

As you are nearing 6 months, we are planning on introducing solid foods to you and it makes me just a wee bit sad that my little baby is growing too fast.

Baby girl-Enjoy your babyhood and always be happy sweetheart.
Being your amma is the most joyous job in my world .

Love you lots and more ,

Her Aghooness

Now that Her Aghooness has learned to turn over, life is a lot more interesting. We put her down- she turns over-she cries to be flipped to her back- we flip her back and put her on back- she turns over  and cries to be flipped to her back- rinse and repeat!! It goes on all day long and some times in the middle of the night too(sigh!!). The poor sweet heart! I think she forgets that she doesn't know how to turn back over from her tummy to back and she keeps turning over to her tummy :P

This sunday was Aghoo's first fathers day.She got a card for her Dada and her R thatha who is visiting currently. She showed off- what else- her turning over skills to her VC thatha and P Patti :P.They cheered on ( over the web cam) like it was some Olympic event.

Aghoo at 19 weeks

Time has been running really fast and my little Aghoo is 19 weeks old already :)I need to be a little more diligent about posting updates.
This is going to be a rambling post- I don't have a specific structure in mind .
Here is a typical day for miss Aghoo.
7 am - coo or cry to wake amma and dada ( depending her mood for the day.
7 - 7.45 am - Play with amma and dada in the bed.
8.00 am - bath time !
8.45 am - Eat  and take a nap
9-10.15 - nap time!
10.15 - 10.45 - play with thatha /patti and chithi ( or cry :P)
12-1.30 ish - nap time
1.30 - 3 - play time
3- 4 ish - nap time.
5.45pm - Amma comes home!!
5.45-7 - play with amma/story time with amma
7 pm- cuddle with amma and sleep.

During weekends, she spends her time with either amma or dada
The little cutie also rolled over for the first time on May 28th. Amma got to see it first hand on May 29 th (sat) :).
Little Aghoo loves to make conversation with everyone- she makes all these sounds that are so yum! Aaa ooo aghoo ( which gives her , her name ), awwww.
She is definitely a people person- loves to charm her amma/dada/chithi/thatha/patti into talking to her.She will coo/ smile/fuss/cry - in that order if we dont respond!

This has been one rambly- I promise to write a more organized one next time.

3 months old and amma's girl :)

Little Aghoo is 3 months old currently.

This morning she woke me and her dada up at 6 am with grunts ( translation- I need to poop :P). After she was done with her routine of poop-feed-diaper change, she wanted to play and talk. Since I had to come to work today and HD is at home taking care of her, he was trying to convince her to let me sleep. The little darling wouldnt hear of it. It was tooo cute- HD was trying to turn her towards him and talk to her- but she has a mind of her own and kept tugging at  my face/ blanket/ hair etc to try to make me talk to her. I finally gave up and started to play with her..

Right now, she is at home with her dada. There is a cute toy that makes noise when you press it- we use it to distract her during diaper changes. Apparently, today she has learnt to press it on her own to make it sing!!
Little Aghoo is sure growing up.

hello world

Well, My name is Aghoo papa and I was born on feb 3 2010.

Why am I called Aghoo? Well, I started cooing at 9 weeks and "aghooooooooooooooooo" is my favorite sound ( word ?) right now. So, Amma and Dada call me aghoo pappa .

I am 12 weeks old today. Currently , I live with amma ,dada and patti.

Major change no.1 in my life:- Amma went back to work when I turned 10 weeks old. I was pretty cheerful about it-although amma was a complete mess :)

Major change no.2:- Patti leaves for India next week. I guess I will take it quiet well and Amma will be the cry baby again :(.