Little Aghoo is 3 months old currently.
This morning she woke me and her dada up at 6 am with grunts ( translation- I need to poop :P). After she was done with her routine of poop-feed-diaper change, she wanted to play and talk. Since I had to come to work today and HD is at home taking care of her, he was trying to convince her to let me sleep. The little darling wouldnt hear of it. It was tooo cute- HD was trying to turn her towards him and talk to her- but she has a mind of her own and kept tugging at my face/ blanket/ hair etc to try to make me talk to her. I finally gave up and started to play with her..
Right now, she is at home with her dada. There is a cute toy that makes noise when you press it- we use it to distract her during diaper changes. Apparently, today she has learnt to press it on her own to make it sing!!
Little Aghoo is sure growing up.