Miss Aghoo's vocal chords are exploding right now- starting from dawn ( sometimes 4 am aghhhh) to dusk, she goes - " bababa baaaaaaaa, dha dha dhaaaaaa,aaaaa" . She looks at us when we are speaking with awe- almost to say " wow how do you do that? now let me try " and starts her babbling again :)
She also sits up with no support. She will sit in a corner and beckon all the toys to come to her. The queen will try hard not to move - she will smile at me ( or who ever is watching her)/ scream/ cry and then try babbling to the toy too to make it come to her :). We try all the time to entice her with new stuff to make her move ..
Aghoo/me/her dada and her Lakshmi paati went to drop off my sister at her new place. The little button behaved very well and slept through the 1.5 hr ride :)
Now, some words of wisdom ( ;)) for my baby
Dear Aghoo,
1) It is OK for you to sleep kanna. You DO NOT have to wake up at 6.45 ( or 4 am like today) everyday :P.
2) Shopping is the answer to every stress- it is the best stress buster I know of.
3) Drink lots of water.
4) No- you do not have to do anything JUST to please others. If " others" expect you to do these things, they aren't your friends.
5) You can come to Amma with ANY PROBLEM. As a friend of mine put it, even if you committed a double murder your parents are going to love you- nothing changes.
6) Family comes first- period.
7) Everything in moderation- too much of anything isn't good for you.
Love you always,