Although you are barely 5.5 months old, you have such a cute ( and strong ) personality. I was just telling dada this morning- I cant believe how much you communicate to us, albeit non-verbally.
You make it known that you want to be carried or burped or fed :)
You are a delight to be with and the star attraction in our home now.
Dada and I are totally crazy about you- as are your chithi/chitappa/grandparents etc.
You wake us up at 7 am ( on the dot, might I add) , with your cute wake up sound- which sounds like - " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" with an increasing pitch :).Dada and I wake up to that and smile at each other ( most days ;)), and one of us gets up to tend to the Maharani :).You are such a cutie pie- if we are a little cross with you and we change the tone of our voice, you smile that coy smile of yours to melt our hearts.
As you are nearing 6 months, we are planning on introducing solid foods to you and it makes me just a wee bit sad that my little baby is growing too fast.
Baby girl-Enjoy your babyhood and always be happy sweetheart.
Being your amma is the most joyous job in my world .
Love you lots and more ,
how sweet :)
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