
Aghoo is so into books right now *preen*. She loves bringing her oob (LOL- thats what she calls books :)).
So, this morning, she got frightened by the cooker's whistle . I was trying to distract her and asked her to bring a book. She brought this one.we get to the last page, where the books says the baby bird lives with its family. Here is how the conversation goes.

Amma:- In the baby bird's home, it lives with its amma bird and dada bird.

Aghoo- yeah  which is her favorite word right now :)

Amma:- So who lives in Aghoo's home?

Aghoo:- Ava, Amma, Dada and Cuckerrrrrrrrrrrrr ( cooker ) LOL!

Aghoo's language

oob- book
pa mum- banana
Pashta- pasta
ooooof- juice :)
appai- apple/ or any fruit that looks like it - pear etc
gape- grapes
ssheeeesh- cheese
jojo- take a bath
bardie- birdie
mleow- meow/ cat
vow vow- row row row a boat :)
all thu town- wheels on the bus song

There are many many more things and songs and Aghooisms- which I cant seem to recall right now :(.
Aghoo's dada is India on business ( grrrrrrrrrrrrr) and we are both missing him a lot. We can DEFINITELY be pacified with material gifts though- just saying :)
Aghoo papa woke up screaming for dada this morning :(:(..


MK said...

Can I plz have P's job???
OMG..Aghoo,u r so cute.... :)

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