Aghoonoosh is almost 7 months old

My darling little itty bitty baby is growing up too fast. She is almost 7 months old now:).

When I get home form work, she gives this huge big smile to welcome me home. She cannot even wait for me to wash my hands before I pick her up- she protests loudly till I do pick her up. 

I wanted to keep her exclusively breast fed until she is 6 months old( yeay for mission accomplished :))-We have now started her on solids- breakfast at 8 am.
It is so much fun to see her taste different solid foods- we started with rice cereal and have now tasted sweet potatoes/carrots/ragi :).

Milestone alert :-Aghoo/Dada and me took our first trip as a family to Tampa , Florida. Dada was there on business and we just tagged along. Aghoo and I had so much fun for 5 days- just the 2 of us all day long.

We took her 6 month pictures at a professional place. She refused to smile :P .We came out of the studio  and we were waiting to pay the bill- she was all smiles.. the silly button.

I love you my little baby.. Always be happy and hope you have a fun babyhood :)