Trying to write

after Eons..

So what happened? Nothing earth shattering. Just life.. Kids.. Work.. Family

Lets see where I am

I am still working ( grr)
Kids are almost 8 ( Aghoo) and 3( Mr. Ichab)
HD had a brainwave ( seri seri Midlife crisis) quit his job , started something, doing something blah blah..

Now to the more interesting things in life- Movies? Food?

Growing up, I wasn't a foodie at all. I survived on curd rice/pickle/ vathal etc
Our school used to serve the most amazing lunches and I still never ate much. Very late realization of all the wasted good food that I did not have to cook ! cha!

College- they used to serve ok food. Most people thought it was good. I never ate lunch because I hated the watery mor and the muzhuchu paakara saadham. I used to have just appalam / omlette for lunch.

Gradschool- we were the quintessential poor Indian grad student. All things cheap and unhealthy were consumed. Hashrbowns/ Microwaved $1meals/ Poptarts/ Instant noodles..

California-I started working and my first job used to serve free lunch and dinner! yep.. There were healthy choices.. but naama adhelam mondu kooda paka matome.. full kattu katting I used to do.
This was the time the HD ( then boyfriend) moved to Ca too. weekdays lam office la junk food. Weekends thedi thedi Restaurents la junk..
I put on some 15lbs in 1.5 years!!!

Our wedding was fixed and I was still young (25!) and had a good metabolism. So, Dieting for a month - I lost almost all of the weight.

Only when I got pregnant with Aghoo did I become one Manickam from the Manik Baasha I was. For the past 8 years, I have my best to be healthy and eat healthy meals. It doesn't mean I don't cheat- I do and very often too. I do try and get back on track though.HD always teases me because I am a tyrant with my kids' food. Veggies and protein are sneaked where ever possible. Aghoo did not even know that people can make dosai or idli WITHOUT veggies, until she went to India when she was 3.5 *evil laugh*.

I try though- I want my kids to have good and decent eating habits. It doesn't mean they don't eat junk- they do , of course. I try to balance it out though...

I am now older and my metabolism isnt that great - so I have watch what I eat a lot more. The HD has changed a lot over the years too. Even though he used to eat a lot of veggies always, he also never cared about the quantity or the fat..

Anyways- starting this off with a ramble.. Hope to be regular here..