A peek into the Aghoo household

Taking a page form MK's book, here is our daily schedule

6.30 am- Amma wakes up. Prays that Aghoo stays asleep with Dada, because Aghoo will not let amma do any work if she is awake.

6.30-6.45- Amma gets Aghoo's egg ready and puts it on the stove.Keeps cooker for rice and dal

6.45- 6.55- Amma brushes/ morning duties ( ahem) , while the egg and cooker are getting cooked and doing its job respectively.

6.55- 7.25 Amma makes vegetable/dal/sabzi or kozhambu/ snack for day care etc.

7.25- Aghoo comes down with dada and brushes her teeth

7.35-8.00 ish - Dada feeds Aghoo her breakfast ( Egg/ cheese/ rice with veggies) with Amma/chithi making appearances when dada is about to give up.Amma packs lunches for Aghoo and amma/ snack and milk for day care ready.

8.00- 8.10 ish- Amma sits down for 10 min to check email and drink coffee.. Dada and Aghoo are lounging about / playing respectively.

8.15- 8.35- Dada gives Aghoo her bath. Amma showers and gets ready. Amma gets Aghoo ready while dada showers.

8.45- Aghoo and Amma come downstairs and amma has her hurried breakfast while Aghoo again plays .. :)

8.50 - Amma and Aghoo leave the house.

9.00- Amma drops Aghoo at day care and goes to work.

5.45-6.00- Dada or Amma pick  Aghoo up.

6.15- 6.40- reach home/ Aghoo is given a face wash and changed. Aghoo gets a small snack.

6.40 - 7.15- Amma prepares dinner , while Aghoo plays with Chithi or goes to the park with dada. Dada goes to the treadmill if possible.

7.15- 7.45- Aghoo gets dinner from chithi/amma depending on the day..Amma finishes up dinner.

7.45- 8.15- Dada/amma/chithi eat. Aghoo walks around playing

8.15- 8.45- Amma cleans kitchen/loads dishes. Dada gives Aghoo her medicine and milk.

8.45- 9.00ish- bed time for Aghoo with dada. Amma starts cutting veggies/ fruits for the next day.

9.00-9.30 - Amma finishes cutting veggies/ fruits. Dada puts Aghoo down to sleep and comes down.

9.30- 10.30 ish- Amma and dada get some time to watch TV / catch up etc.

As you can see- every minute of our day is packed and one slight delay causes our whole schedule to go haywire like a stack of cards.

Life with Aghoo is fun and tiring :)

I have no clue how people with 2 babies manage time.


MK said...

Reading this makes my head spin and all tht early-morning-stress is coming back to me :)
is it really possible to wake up at 6:30 everyday???am still trying...rombha kashtapattu 7:30-8 kulla i try to rise and shine :)

SK said...

OMG! This makes my head spin! Cooking twice?!

Daisy said...

@MK and SK- vera vazhi illiye.. Now that Aghoo goes to day care and needs to take lunch /snack with her everyday :).. as you can see, no time for any exercise for me.. so my fitness is down in the dumps..

so enjoy your time, when both of your little ones are still primarily on milk :).. hehe

MK said...

Daisy..ippadi bayamuruthina letter ezhuthi vechitu veeta vittu odiruven

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