Weekend tales

I know it mid week already- but better late than never I guess?

This past weekend was a lot of fun. On friday, we met up with my friend Sri and family who were leaving for India- Little Aghoo and Sahana kutties had loads of silly fun! Sumptuous meal at Amber, Palo Alto followed by yummy desert at this place called "Paris" - awesome end to the evening.

On saturday, we had people (Sakthi and his wife) coming over for dinner. I started cooking in the morning, so that I dont have to give up my nap time ;).I made yummy veggie salna, parotta, palak paneer and jeera rice. Aghoo was her usual charming self and entertained the guests thoroughly.

On sunday, dada and Param uncle had made lot of plans and preparations for a bbq in the park.So, we set out at around 12.30 to the park, where we met with Vijay and Sangeetha( our good friends).
There was a lot of food that we gorged on - chicken, veggies, corn, veggie skewers,lots of appetizers,almond pie( YUM!) , hummus , salsa, juice, wine etc.Aghoo had a great time- because she could go to the play area as many times as she wanted and we also went on a " row row row a boat ";) (paddle boat) in the lake. Lots of fun was had..

Aghoo did not want to leave Vj mama and Sange aunty.

We came home and crashed- exhausted. Little Aghoo while going to sleep tells me " Sakthi mama ( from 2 days ago!) black shirt potirunda. Ashwini aunty purple dress and black pant potirunda!" wow! wat memory!!

My little baby!


MK said...

What an awesomeeee menuuuuu !!!!!!!!!!!
veggie skewers recipe enna?good fun!!

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